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Reviews Page

Many e-zines include a page or more of reviews of such things as movies, books, television shows, CDs, and so on. Here's a format I might use for my reviews.


The Color of Water:
A Black Man's Tribute To His White Mother
James McBride

My boss Arline purchased this book for me as a gift. I read it while commuting into the city to work. Other passengers noticed me laughing, and sometimes even crying, it was hard to contain myself.
It adds lots of emotions and much of the content keeps you wanting more.
What a wonderful read.
-Submitted by Gina


The Ultimate Gift
Michael O. Sajbel, Director

One of the most thought provoking movies that I've seen in a long time. I watched it with my husband and children and we really enjoyed it. The young man who inherited his uncle's estate turned out to have much more integrity than I initially thought. The young people of today should take the time to see this one. Also one of the best and least contrived happy endings I've seen in a movie recently. 
- Submitted by Clive


Marvin Sapp

What an experience? Marvin Sapp is an anointed Man of God that ministers in Word and song to the spirit of the saved, and arrests the attention of the unsaved. He ministered to the people in a biblical way that transcended to every generation. I write to those of you who did not get tickets to the live concert at the Apollo this summer and to anyone who has not heard the CD in full, it is a library must have.
- Submitted by Sis Sharon

Psalm 68:11 The Lord gave the Word: great was the company of those that published it.